Your Business Blog - Making Your First $100 With Your Blog
To build your online business and make money on the internet, you must use tried and true online marketing strategies. One of the first things you need to have is a blog. People have a misconception of what a blog is. Yes, you can journal to your hearts content on a blog, but that's not the type of blog I'm referring to. I'm talking about your business center, your home on the internet where you house all of your information. There are those who will say that blogging is going by the wayside. I assure you, business blogging is not going anywhere. If anything it is more important than ever!
Your blog is the place your prospects will go to learn what your business is about. It's where they will be able to get to know you. Your blog is the place on the net that people can get to know about you and the things you offer, to see if your company a good fit for them and in keeping with the standards and practices they expect. With millions of different businesses on the web today, it's important to put your self out there in a way that wasn't necessary 15 years ago. With all the information on the internet now days, if you don't allow your prospects to get to know you, they will find a competitor that will. Our savvy prospects don't just blindly trust these days; people buy from those they know, like and trust. Therefore slapping up a website with your products for sale simply isn't enough.
The blogging platform you use will make a huge difference in how your business flows. You are going to need a platform for blogging that will be a CMS, content management system for your business. The very best and simplest is WordPress has become the #1 business blogging platform in the Internet Marketing industry. While fairly simple to install and set up for those with a little technical knowledge, paying a small fee to a blog setup service may be the way to go for a non-techie. Once you learn how to maintain your new blog, installing others will be very simple for you.
Using requires self hosting. You are going to need to have hosting that offers waht is called C-Panel hosting. C-Panel allows you to have an unlimited number of websites. You may think that you will only need one, but as you learn the ropes of online business, you'll see that you will likely need more as time goes on. C-Panel allows you to upload and access your content any time you wish without need for a web master. This is a very important aspect of your internet business. Owning a self hosted blog is like having the deed to internet real estate, otherwise you are only renting and can be evicted at any time without your furniture and personal belongings. In other words your content is not your own, should the blog service cease to exist or crash and burn, you are out of luck. If your content disappears, it's just gone. You can kiss it goodbye. When you self host you are in control. When you have everything stored and backed up no one can send you packing.
WordPress is a very flexible platform to use. You've heard the term "There's an app for that", well with WordPress there's a plug in for that. WordPress grows with you as your business grows. You can't outgrow it. If you want a blog that looks like a website, a sales page, opt in page, affiliate program, e-commerce site, shopping cart, membership site whatever you need, there's a theme or plug in for that. There are literally thousands of free plug ins and themes for, so you can make your blog look and do most anything you want with a few clicks of the mouse. No web master required.
Another huge benefit to this blogging platform is that it is extremely SEO friendly, much more so than other platforms and there are many plug ins that will help increase traffic, back-links and cause those little search engine spiders to crawl all over your blog.
In conclusion, you really will need a business blog to make your first $100 online and beyond. It is the most important thing you do when getting started online.
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