20個影響你一生的小改變II -英文補習 |
Small, simple life changes can be powerful. Implementing some of these changes can literally change your entire life. How do you change? Take on one change at a time, and go slowly. Implement each change consistently so that it becomes a habit. Don’t do too much too fast. What follows is a list of changes that are simple, yet incredibly powerful. Some are obvious and some aren’t. I hope they serve as reminders of useful changes.生活中一些細微簡單的改變有著不可低估的作用。一些改變甚至可以改變你的整個生活。 如何改變呢?一次做出一種改變,慢慢來,并始終如一地堅持,形成一種習慣。不要貪多求快。 下面列出一些改變,雖然簡單,作用卻難以置信。有些作用明顯,而有的不易覺察。我希望下列條目能提醒你去做一些有益身心的改變。
11. Stop interrupting11.善于傾聽 Let people finish their sentence. You aren’t in such a hurry that you need to interrupt. Let people speak. You might learn something.讓他人把話說完。你不是那樣急切,非打斷別人不可。傾聽別人,你可能會從中汲取知識。 12. Live in the moment12.活在當下 The past is yesterday and the future is later. The present is the only time we are truly living. So instead of analyzing the past or worrying about the future, live in the moment.過去的已過去,未來不可知。現在才是我們真正擁有的。不要在分析過去,擔心未來中消耗自己,活在當下。 13. Forget goals13.忘記目標 Goals look nice on paper. They provide order to your life. They aren’t necessarily counter-productive – people have done great things using goals. However, I think they’re useless. Instead of focusing on a goal, focus on the moment. Do things that you love, and do things well right now. This will get you farther than an arbitrary thing that you can check off.寫著紙上的目標看上去不錯,但它們會左右你的生活。這些目標也不是必然起反作用——人們在目標的引導下做了很多偉大的事情。然而,我想它們沒有什么用。把注意力從目標轉移到此時此刻。行動起來,做喜歡的事,做好每一件事。 14. Focus on what’s important14.關注重要的事情 Too often, I used to let the little things get in the way. Now I forget the trivial and focus on what’s important. What is important? It’s up to you. Family, writing, reading, and playing soccer are all important to me. I clear away distractions and do the important things.過去,我常常因小事情而心煩意亂。現在,我忘記瑣事,只關注重要的事情。什么是重要事情呢?這全在于你。家庭、寫作、閱讀、踢足球對我都很重要。我排除干擾,做重要的事。 15. Change things up15.不要總做同一件事 A routine can make you a zombie. Instead, change things. Often you will find that a change makes things more exciting.一成不變會使你變得木訥呆板。不要一直做同一件事,你常常會發現工作并不是那么枯燥。 Don’t be afraid to change things up.不要害怕做出改變。 16. Wait before you buy16.不要急于購買 Often we think we need something, but it ends up in the basement – unused. Before you buy something, wait a month. If you still believe it to be useful, then you can but it. Understand that every time you purchase something, the cost is more than just monetary. You are taking on this item. You must put it somewhere, you must protect it, and you must maintain it.我們常常認為某種東西很符合我們的需要,但最后這些東西被拋棄在了地下室里。購買前,等一個月。如果你仍認為它很有用,就買下它。要知道,每次買東西,代價不僅僅是金錢。你還要承擔責任,必須把它放置好,保護好,維護好。 17. Stop judging17.不要妄自評判 Judging is easy. It’s also stupid. It’s impossible to fully understand others. You don’t know what they’ve been through. So why do we judge? It’s harmful to your own peace, and it’s harmful to others.評判是很簡單,但也很荒唐。你不可能完全了解他人,也不知道他們經歷過什么。所以,為什么要去評判別人呢?這不僅會打破自己內心的平靜,而且也會傷害他人。 18. Create18.創新 Everyone has something they can add to the world –something they can create. Spend time everyday creating. You are capable of creating something life-changing –even if it only helps one person.每個人都能為我們的世界做點什么——他們具有創造力。每天花些時間進行創新。你有能力創造出改變我們生活的事物——即使它僅對一個人有用。 19. Single-task19.一心一意 Multi-tasking is a myth. We can’t multi-task –our brain can only switch between two tasks. So multi-tasking is actually less productive; not to mention stressful.同時處理多項任務是個神話。我們不能同時做很多,我們的大腦只能在兩項任務間切換。實際上,同時處理多項任務效率會降低,更不必說你會有多緊張。 Instead, focus on a single task. Move on when it’s finished.集中精力做一項工作,完成一項再做另一項。 20. Play20.娛樂 We are too serious. Laugh and goof off sometimes. Forget being judged, and let loose.我們太嚴肅。間或大笑一下,要不干脆什么都不做,旁若無人、隨心所欲地放松。 We aren’t so different from children – only we try to hide our play. Forget maturity. Forget working for now. Play. Enjoy life.我們與孩子沒什么不同,只不過我們會盡力隱藏童心。忘掉你是成人。忘掉工作。玩!享受生活。 20個影響你一生的小改變I>>> |
20個影響你一生的小改變II -英文補習
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